Undo Years of Smiles with a Bellafill Treatment
You have a great smile, but over the years, you may have noticed that even when you are not smiling, those telltale lines around your nose and mouth remain. This is a normal part of the aging process and may not be able to be arrested by even the strictest beauty routine, but there are some treatments that can help you enjoy a smoother and more beautiful appearance. The Bellafill® facial filler is one of the most popular and convenient ways to treat smile lines.
A Long-Term Solution to Smile Lines
Bellafill® treatment is one of many dermal fillers that are designed to treat specific facial wrinkles, but it is particularly well-suited to the challenges of erasing smile lines. A Bellafill® treatment is notable for how long-lasting it is and how little a need there is for frequent follow-up treatments. If you are looking for a procedure that you can have with very little maintenance over time and still enjoy your improved appearance, Bellafill® is an exceptional option.
How Bellafill® Fights Smile Lines
So, why don\’t smile lines form in younger skin? The answer is collagen, the fundamental structural protein of your skin and connective tissues. Older skin does not produce collagen at the levels that it previously did, and this makes it more difficult for the skin to spring back into its shape when it is creased. Bellafill® not only fills in this crease, but its ingredients also promote the body\’s own production of collagen in the skin to help restore elasticity and durability.
A Simple Treatment for Smoother Skin
While it is an effective way to make your skin spring back from every smile, there are also many applications of Bellafill® injections that can help to treat a number of skin conditions that can be having an effect on your appearance. If you suffer from acne scarring or overly visible pores that need to be covered with an excessive amount of makeup, Bellafill® may be able to treat these conditions at the same time as they are taking on your smile lines.
Have you noticed these lines caused by years of smiles? Are you interested in having smoother facial skin without the appearance of smile lines? Schedule an appointment at Lux: A Medical Spa for a consultation at our office in Bluffton and find out how simple it is to have smoother, more youthful-looking skin in just one treatment. Contact us today to book your consultation!