Incorporating BBL Treatments Into Your Skin Care Routine

No matter what steps you take to protect your skin or how much you invest in beauty products, there may come a point when it feels like you are fighting an uphill battle against blemishes. Imperfections such as fine lines, wrinkles, age spots, and unpleasant textures are difficult to treat on your own, and that is one of the reasons why so many patients are now turning to broadband light (BBL™) therapy. BBL™ treatments give our team the ability to address a variety of cosmetic issues in a single appointment, and our patients often see results in as little as weeks.

The Truth About Skin Damage

Most surface blemishes aren’t harmful, but they can be tough to deal with. Even though many beauty products claim that they will restore your youthful beauty, very few of them do anything other than cover up your imperfections. In order to see long-term results, you must stimulate your body’s natural healing response. At some point in your life, your body will no longer be able to produce enough collagen to combat fine lines and wrinkles. The goal of BBL™ technology is to quickly and safely erase blemishes by triggering the production of collagen and other proteins.

BBL™ Technology and Your Skin

Over the years, researchers have discovered that different wavelengths of light can stimulate the outer layers of skin. During BBL™ treatments, we use infrared light to penetrate deep into the dermis, where the damage has taken place. Those pulses of energy “trick” your body into thinking that the skin cells are being damaged. As a response, it will produce an abundance of collagen to repair the damaged cells and create new cells.

Any number of invasive procedures might help you reach your cosmetic goals, but most people aren\’t ready to spend weeks in bed recovering. BBL™ treatments typically take just minutes to complete, and you won’t have to worry about a lengthy recovery after each of your appointments.

The Ideal Candidate

This type of therapy is a great option for patients who want to supplement their current skin care routine. BBL™ treatments are non-invasive, and that means you can continue to use all of your favorite beauty products before and after your appointments. What is more, it is even stated in one article that skin treated with BBL™ treatments looks “years younger than the skin that did not receive these treatments”, according to one dermatologist. In the same article, it encourages patients to think of BBL™ treatments as skin care maintenance rather than some fancy professional treatment that seems unattainable.

Make an appointment with us at Lux: A Medical Spa to learn more. Contact us today to book your consultation at our office in Bluffton!