Are Your Hands Giving Away Your Age?

Are you working hard to maintain the appearance of your face and body? Unfortunately, your hands may be giving away your true age rather than the age that you feel. At Lux: A Medical Spa, we are thrilled to offer Radiesse® in Bluffton, SC to treat some of the age giveaways that can be evident on your hands. This is the first FDA-approved treatment for aesthetic use on your hands. If you want to have all parts of your body looking great, it\’s time to check out Radiesse®.

An Effective Way to Correct Volume Loss

As you age and your body begins to produce less collagen, your hands may be one of the first areas of your body where you notice the change. Deep grooves can develop that make your veins more noticeable. These deep grooves can age your overall appearance, especially when your body and face look much younger. Radiesse® can be used to return some of the volume to your hands and decrease the grooves and the appearance of veins.

What to Expect

Radiesse® is an injection that delivers the medicine directly to the treated area. Depending on the current condition of your hands and the finished result that you want, the amount of Radiesse® can vary from patient to patient. Typically, the treatment is quite quick, and there is very little downtime following your injections. Discuss the look that you want with the provider prior to beginning your sessions and they can advise you on your unique treatment plan. It\’s time to stop hiding your hands and have your entire body looking fabulous!

Ready to have your hands match your face, and fill in those areas of volume loss? Our professional team at Lux: A Medical Spa is excited about the results that our patients have been experiencing with Radiesse®. Contact us today to book a consultation in Bluffton, SC and learn more!