When to See a Spider Vein Specialist

There are a lot of reasons someone might want to see an expert in spider and varicose veins. The most common reasons are centered around the way these veins look on the skin and the pain and discomfort that can sometimes be caused when the veins are inflamed. There may be other indications of when to look into sclerotherapy or other spider vein treatments. Lux: A Medical Spa in Bluffton and Hilton Head has a number of treatments for spider veins, so why not visit our spider vein specialist

What Are Spider Veins?

Spider veins are a very small version of varicose veins which shoot off from a main vein to create spider-like patterns visible under the skin. While spider veins are generally harmless and don\’t carry the potential discomfort and risk of serious circulatory problems that larger varicose veins sometimes do, it is important to monitor them. Many people may also want to remove them as they can seem unsightly. Consulting with a spider vein specialist is the best way someone with spider veins or other inflammation of the veins can determine that the veins are healthy and discuss potential treatment options.

When to See a Spider Vein Specialist

There are a number of reasons a patient may want to consult with an expert on vein health, sclerotherapy, and other vein treatments. Here are some of the main reasons patients usually see specialists like those at Lux: A Medical Spa.

Inflammation and Discomfort

While spider veins are generally harmless, sometimes the larger veins they are attached to can become inflamed and cause discomfort like itching, soreness, or swelling in the extremities, usually the legs. This is the most medically important reason to see a spider vein specialist, as swelling or blockages in the veins can cause circulatory problems up to and including stroke or heart attack, so it is very important to see a medical professional in this case.


After surgeries which involve the circulatory system, especially those in the legs and arms, residual veins can be left swollen and looking unsightly. A surgeon may recommend or a patient can also request a consultation with a spider vein specialist who may be able to address these after-effects of surgery to ensure the veins are healthy and heal properly. Lux: A Medical Spa has found sclerotherapy to be especially effective for post-surgical vein issues.


There\’s nothing wrong with wanting one\’s skin to look its best, and many patients find the small, spider-like veins or blue, puffed-up appearance of varicose veins to be unsightly. Since spider veins can occur for a number of reasons including surgery, weight loss or gain, pregnancy, or even genetics, no one is immune to potentially finding spider veins. Now, with a number of safe treatments to address them, cosmetic appearance is a perfectly valid reason for a patient to consult with a specialist.


With state-of-the-art clinics like Lux: A Medical Spa researching and innovating in the field of circulatory care, there are now many treatment options for spider and varicose veins. Here are just a few.


Probably one of the most popular and well-known treatments for spider and varicose veins, sclerotherapy is a chemical process whereby the veins are injected with a safe substance called sclerosant to reduce the appearance of spider veins or swollen varicose veins. This treatment requires very little recovery time and so it is ideal for active patients.

After you are injected with the solution (usually saline), the problem veins will begin to close. Overtime they will become scar tissue, and blood flow will be rerouted into nearby healthy veins. This allows the problem veins to completely disappear. Sclerotherapy is not a preventative treatment for spider veins. 

Laser Therapy

A procedure called laser ablation has become popular recently for its long-lasting results in reducing the appearance of spider veins and larger varicose veins. In this treatment, a small pulse from a laser causes the purple appearance of the vein to go away while the blood in said vein is redirected to other, deeper veins. Over the course of a few weeks, all traces of the spider veins will vanish. This procedure may require a bandage to be worn for 48 hours afterward, with compression socks recommended for up to seven days post-procedure.

Which is Right for Me?

The best treatment option for you depends on a few factors. We recommend scheduling a consultation with our professionals in order to find the right treatment for your needs. 


While each patient has his or her own reasons for seeing a spider vein specialist, there are many treatments that can help with the unsightly visual effects of spider veins and with more prominent and uncomfortable varicose veins. In all cases, however, it is important to find experts who are at the forefront of their field and can give patients the most up-to-date options. Lux: A Medical Spa in Bluffton and Hilton Head is an innovative, dedicated facility, and our doctors and therapists can offer these services and more. Contact us today to schedule your consultation — we look forward to hearing from you!