Where Can Wrinkle Relaxers Be Used?

Botulinum toxin is a protein that temporarily blocks the signal transmission between nerve and muscle. Neuromodulators, such as Botox and Dysport, are cosmetic pharmaceuticals used to temporarily reduce/weaken muscle activity to improve the facial aesthetic. I like to refer to these as wrinkle relaxers as they help reduce and prevent wrinkles related to dynamic movement. To provide balance of these mimetic movements in the face/neck, there are numerous areas wrinkle relaxers can be utilized.

Upper Third:

💉Frontalis-reduces horizontal forehead lines

💉Glabella-reduces number 11 lines/vertical frown lines 

💉Orbicularis oculi-periorbital wrinkles/crows feet/lower eyelid wrinkles

💉Nasalis-reduces bunny lines/lines on sides of the nose

Middle Third:

💉Levator labii superioris aleque nasii Just above center (LLSAN)-nasal rhytids or bunny lines

💉Depressor septi nasii-nose tip depression

💉Inferior LLSAN and sometimes levator labii superioris -gummy smile correction 

💉Orbicularis pros-peri-oral lines/lip flip

Lower Third:

💉Mentalis-chin dimpling and mental crease

💉Depressor anguli oris (DAO)-to reduce pulling down of the oral commisures(corners of mouth

💉Masseter-masseter hypertrophy/contour improvement


Platysmal bands-vertical muscle bands in the neck. 

*Some use microbotox to reduce horizontal neck lines however I have personally seen little improvement in these lines with neuromodulator. The idea is relaxing the fibers of the platysma that insert in the skin

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