Facial Spider Veins Treatment with Sciton Laser Treatments

Many people are familiar with spider veins on the legs and the treatments that are available. However, if you suffer from facial spider veins, you may just be smearing extra makeup over them because you are not sure what options you have. There is no need to cover them up, however, as there are laser treatment options that can reduce the appearance of your spider veins or make them completely disappear.

What Causes Facial Spider Veins?

Facial spider veins are more common than you think. They most often appear around the nose or on the cheeks and are usually painless. These red webs are often inherited genetically but can be contributed to by a number of other factors. They are much more noticeable on those with a very light skin complexion and may be exacerbated by drinking alcohol or suffering from overexposure to the sun.

Treatments for Spider Veins

While sclerotherapy treatment is an effective option, many are wary of this treatment because of a concern over the possible scarring that the treatment can leave behind. While this scarring is much less noticeable than the veins, it is a valid concern that has left many patients looking for an alternative.

For those who don\’t want the sclerotherapy injections, Sciton® laser spider vein treatments provide a great alternative treatment that is also very effective. This treatment for facial spider veins is using laser pulses that are non-surgical and non-invasive. The pulses and the heat generated by this treatment create the conditions for healing, with the red blood cells absorbing the pulses and working to close the damaged blood vessels. There are many advantages to this laser treatment, including an ability to go right back to whatever you have planned for the day directly after the procedure.

A laser treatment is a very easy course of therapy, with results that may be recognized immediately or over the course of several sessions based on the severity of the spider veins. It is designed to cause the minimum amount of trauma possible to the blood vessels that must be closed for the appearance of spider veins to be reduced or eliminated.

Are you tired of living with facial spider veins? Our team at Lux: A Medical Spa in Bluffton is here to provide you with the procedure you need to make them a thing of the past. Contact us today to schedule a consultation!