Tips for Maintaining Naturally Beautiful Skin

You may have at a time wondered why naturally healthy and beautiful skin can be so hard to achieve. The general answer lies in a few dos and don’ts that are a good idea to follow. With these, and with the help of our team of professionals at Lux: A Medical Spa, you may realize that you can achieve your desired skin tones and texture without a struggle.

Remove Your Makeup Before Going to Sleep

One step you need to follow is to always remove your makeup before you hit the sheets. As you sleep, your skin also needs to relax; having makeup on does not make this possible because it clogs the pores, making it very difficult for the skin to breathe. Consequentially, this leads to having blemishes and blackheads on your skin. To remove your makeup, you do not necessarily need a makeup remover. Our team can help you determine which method is best for your skin.

Apply the Right Sunscreen

Did you know that exposure to the sun’s radiation causes wrinkles, age spots and numerous other issues? Therefore, you need to protect your skin against the sun by applying sunscreen that has SPF of 15 or more because that will block you from UVA and UVB radiations. As you choose your sunscreen, however, make sure that it does not end up blocking your pores. Make sure you do not skip the sunscreen anytime you are going to the beach, even if it is cloudy, because the rays may still reach you through reflective surfaces such as snow or the clouds.

Take Advantage of Professional Treatments

Healthy habits are essentially important in maintaining beautiful skin, and one of the best habits you can add to your routine is visiting a professional on a regular basis. If you would like to seek help from true experts, set up a time to consult with the team at Lux: A Medical Spa and get more information about the many treatments we have available. Contact us today to schedule a consultation at our office in Bluffton, SC!