The Top Reasons a Chemical Peel is the Secret to Perfect Skin
We have a secret to share: a lineless, spotless, and flawless complexion is lying just below your skin\’s surface, and we have found a classic treatment is the quickest way there: the chemical peel. Below we discuss just some of the reasons why a chemical peel is the secret to perfect skin.
1. Peels can make your skin and skincare products perform better
Within minutes, a special solution takes away skin cells which have died and trigger a wonderful chain reaction. As that top layer is removed, signals are then sent to the living cells located below to multiply and move up – this is to increase collagen production, which makes us look younger. A chemical peel also offers one very noticeable benefit: smoother skin that\’s both more receptive and radiant.
2. They\’re low-risk and there are options for all different types
Chemical peels are safe to use on every skin color without risk of hyperpigmentation. We have different solutions to choose from at our office.
3. A peel can reduce acne and soften the scars
These treatments can dig deep into skin to help unclog your pores whilst also skimming the surface to rid it of blackheads and reduce the appearance of post-pimple marks. Another benefit of a chemical peel is that it lingers in the pores, where it continues to keep them clear for longer.
4. A peel could allow you to possibly get rid of your undereye concealer
Most of us don\’t even like to open our eyes in the swimming pool, so it probably sounds a bit crazy to put chemical solutions near our eyeballs; however, it\’s safe and works beautifully on the hereditary dark circles which are a result of piled-up pigment. A series of treatments may be required, but some people see great results after just one chemical peel.
Get in touch with us at Lux: A Medical Spa in Bluffton, SC to learn more about chemical peel treatments. Contact us today to book a consultation!