The Power of Fat Freezing

Even with a responsible diet and regular exercise, there are still areas that resist your efforts. While you could consider undergoing liposuction, there’s another option to consider. Fat freezing offers a number of benefits that make it an attractive solution for many people. Here are some things you should know about this approach and why it’s so powerful.

A Non-Invasive Solution for Those Problem Areas

The nice thing about fat freezing is that there are no incisions to make and no invasive processes to follow. The process uses directed cold that freezes the fat and causes it to break down. Once that takes place, the fat passes through the body and is eliminated with other waste. You don’t have to deal with any scarring, potential for infection, and other potential effects that can develop after an invasive procedure.

The Treatments Don’t Take Long

The average fat freezing treatment takes no longer than an hour. Depending on the amount of fat present and the area you want treated, the treatment may take just minutes. Keep in mind this is for each area that you want treated. For example, you may want to remove the fat on each side of the tummy. It all depends on the unique case.

You’re Comfortable During the Process

You’ll be awake for the fat freezing procedure, but don’t expect it to be all that uncomfortable. Patients are typically aware of the cold, but not to the point of finding it unpleasant. During the procedure, you’ll relax as the cold is applied and the area becomes numb.

The Recovery Period is Nonexistent

Some would say that there’s no recovery period at all with fat freezing. That’s because you don’t have to go home and rest. Many people undergo the treatments and then resume their usual daily routines immediately afterwards.

You’ll See the Full Results in the Months That Follow

Since fat freezing hastens a natural process, it will take time to see the full results. Within months of your last treatment, you’ll see the full effects. Along the way, you’ll notice that the treated area seems to be shrinking after just weeks.

Do you think fat freezing is the right approach to getting rid of your stubborn fat? If so, book an appointment at Lux: A Medical Spa in Bluffton, SC so that you can get all the facts about this popular treatment. Contact our office today to schedule your consultation!