Subtly Sculpt Your Figure with Non-Surgical Fat Reduction

Millions of people have tried dieting and exercise to lose excess weight and have done a good job, but many of these same people never reach their desired goals. Some areas of fat accumulation, such as belly fat or love handles, are extremely difficult to reduce even with the strictest programs, and that is where CoolSculpting® may help you. CoolSculpting® is a non-surgical, simple method of eliminating those stubborn pockets of fat with revolutionary, high-quality technology. This latest non-surgical fat reduction treatment was accepted by the FDA in 2017 and is performed right in our office in less than an hour. There is no hospital time or recovery time required; after the treatment, many people return to work as the CoolSculpting® begins to go to work as well.

How Does CoolSculpting® Work?

This non-surgical fat reduction process uses high-speed technology to freeze the fat cells directly under the machine. Multiple areas can be treated. These are all areas that are stubborn and difficult to reduce with dieting and exercise alone. During the treatment, the fat cells are frozen and begin to die. When the CoolSculpting® is completed, the dead fat cells are naturally washed out of the body. Within weeks, you will begin to see better curves appear, and in just months, the process will be finished, and your body has been subtly sculpted with no added effort on your part. You will most likely lose inches, not pounds, and the treated fat cells will be gone forever, never to return!

With CoolSculpting®, you are able to subtly sculpt away the extra fat that wants to hang on. Men and women alike have reported great results using this treatment. Freezing the fat cells and eliminating them naturally with the CoolSculpting® process allows you to create the sexy body you always dreamed of, and the results look completely natural!

Got Questions?

For more information on this revolutionary method of losing pockets of fat cells and creating the shape that you\’ve always wanted, book an appointment at Lux: A Medical Spa. Our team is caring and efficient and always ready to help our clients achieve their personal goals. If you have been unsuccessful at eliminating stubborn fat cells in the past, this non-surgical fat reduction approach may be the solution you\’ve been looking for. Whether you want to shape up for a special occasion or simply want to look and feel more shapely with renewed confidence and happiness, feel free to contact us today to set up a consultation at our office in Bluffton.