Look and Feel Younger with Laser Resurfacing

Factors like aging, smoking, and sun exposure can affect the elasticity and appearance of your skin. When you want to regain your youthful look, you may wonder what non-invasive cosmetic options are available to you. You can improve the way your skin looks and enjoy a tighter, more youthful appearance by undergoing laser resurfacing.

What is Laser Resurfacing?

Laser resurfacing is a non-invasive cosmetic procedure that involves the use of concentrated, pulsating beams of light. It can ease the appearance of blemishes and irregularities like wrinkles and acne scars. It is done entirely on an outpatient basis in the comfort of our office. In time, the skin becomes firmer, smoother, and without the blemishes of your former appearance.

How is Laser Resurfacing Done?

As mentioned, laser resurfacing is done on an outpatient basis in our office. During the treatment, the practitioner will direct pulses of light and heat toward your skin to encourage the collagen fibers in the skin layers to shrink. This eventually results in the production of new collagen.

Laser Resurfacing Recovery

Recovery from this treatment is relatively simple and short. You should rest at home and make sure that you wear hydrating lotion to soothe your skin. You also should avoid going out into bright sunlight without wearing sunscreen. You can wear makeup and resume your normal routine just days after the procedure is done.

Candidacy for Laser Resurfacing

Laser resurfacing can be done safely on most patients who fit specific criteria for the procedure. You may be a good candidate for this treatment if you:

• Have fine lines or wrinkles

• Have shallow acne scars

• Suffer from non-responsive skin after a facelift

• Have enlarged pores

• Have sun-damaged skin

Laser resurfacing can help you reclaim your former youthful appearance that might have been compromised by smoking, sun exposure, aging, and other factors. You can decide if this procedure is right for you by learning how and for what reasons it is done. You can also prepare for the treatment by understanding what to expect during recovery from it. 

Our team at Lux: A Medical Spa can help you with all of this during a consultation at our office in Bluffton. Contact us today to schedule an appointment!