Learn More About HydraFacial

The HydraFacial® treatment has been getting a lot of attention lately, and there\’s a good reason. More and more individuals are experiencing this one-of-a-kind facial skin rejuvenation treatment, one that\’s a lot simpler to perform than you might think. Although it\’s a multi-step procedure, it can be completed in less than an hour, and the results immediately become apparent. This is more than just a simple scrubbing and cleansing. It involves a peel treatment and a nutrient serum infusion plus exfoliation and extraction. The result is a glowing, radiant countenance, and the skin, now able to breathe freely, can work its own magic to replace damaged tissue with healthy new growth.

A single HydraFacial® treatment can produce dramatic results that last for up to a year. The treatment can also be customized to address specific concerns such as brittle, dull skin, dark circles under the eyes, and non-set wrinkles. An overview of the treatment follows.

Concerning Multiple Skin Problems

A buildup of oil mixed with pollutants can result in clogged pores, meaning that the skin cannot breathe properly. Exposure to the sun can accelerate the deterioration of damaged skin cells, and scarring, freckles, and age spots become more prominent. The HydraFacial® treatment can correct all of these problems.

Performing the Treatment

We\’ll examine your facial features and suggest either the traditional treatment or a customized procedure that focuses on one or more skin health problems. Basically, we begin the treatment by exfoliating the surface using a specialized rotary brush tool. We then apply glycolic or similar acid to the epidermis. The dermis is now exposed and ready for treatment.

We use a vacuum suction tool to get at the grime and oil that clogs the pores. Lastly, we use an infusion tool to introduce antioxidants and peptides. These penetrate through the dermal layers and immediately begin to supply the skin cells with nutrition.

We have at our disposal several boosting serums that target specific problems such as brittle, dull-appearing skin, wrinkles, and subsurface blemishes. By the time you leave our office, you\’ll notice that your skin is softer and smoother. This improvement in skin texture continues for several weeks afterward as the nutrients really begin to have an effect. Remember that your skin is constantly rebuilding itself, but now it has the fuel for producing healthier replacement cells.

Turn Back the Aging Clock

The HydraFacial® is unlike any other skin revitalizing treatment currently being performed. You may not be ready for skin repositioning surgery, and you might be wary of laser resurfacing or dermabrasion. Try this alternative instead, and get ready to enjoy the smooth skin you had as a teen. Visit Lux: A Medical Spa in Bluffton to learn more. Contact us today to schedule your consultation!