Kybella in Bluffton, SC: Your Ultimate Solution to a Double Chin

Having a double chin can be embarrassing and can really lower your self-esteem and confidence. That is why most people in Bluffton, SC tend to undergo costly surgeries to get rid of their double chin problem. But Kybella® treatment provides a safe and permanent solution to this problem.

What is Kybella®?

It is an injectable FDA-approved drug that is injected directly into the fat cells underneath the chin to dissolve the fat, thus eliminating the double chin devoid of having to undergo surgery. The treatment offers permanent results, unlike other solutions. Once you undergo Kybella® in Bluffton, SC, the fat underneath your chin will melt away and your double chin will never return. If you live in the area and you want to get rid of your double chin problem, here at Lux: A Medical Spa, we have the perfect solution for you. Our Kybella® treatment is designed to eliminate your double chin completely and restore your original appearance.

How Does the Treatment Work?

Kybella® contains deoxycholic acid, a type of acid produced naturally in the body and which helps to dissolve fat cells, thus, eliminating the excess fat. Once injected underneath the chin, it breaks down the fat cell membranes and then melts them away. This is perceived to be a safer alternative to surgery and liposuction.

What are the Benefits?

It is minimally-invasive; before Kybella® treatment, surgery was the only option for eliminating the excess fat underneath the chin. This treatment, however, provides a minimally-invasive way to address a double chin. This also offers a permanent solution. Once the treatment is completed, you will never worry about a double chin again, for the fat cells under your chin will be dissolved completely.

Kybella® treatment works by destroying the fat cells under the chin and, thus, the skin isn’t affected at all. The entire treatment process is performed in the comfort of our office in Bluffton, SC.

Make an appointment at Lux: A Medical Spa in Bluffton, SC to get started. Contact our office today to book a consultation!