Is Dysport Good for Forehead Lines?

Do people always ask if you suffer from insomnia? Do people always think you have a problem with them or are paying them no attention? Your forehead lines may be to blame. At Lux: A Medical Spa in Bluffton, SC, we want you to know that you don\’t have to settle for looking angry, bored or tired all the time. We offer several FDA-approved anti-aging treatments to help you enhance your aesthetic appearance. Today, we highlight Dysport and whether it is right for forehead lines.

What Is Dysport?

Dysport is a type of anti-aging treatment that uses one of the neuromodulators. This type of anti-aging treatment contains the neurotoxin known as botulinum toxin type A. It is the byproduct of several types of bacteria and works by blocking signals sent from your nerves to your muscles. Essentially, it stops your muscles from causing fine lines, deep folds and moderate-to-severe wrinkles due to hyperactivity.

Is It Good for Forehead Lines?

Dysport is extremely effective for the treatment of forehead lines. In fact, the FDA has approved the treatment to correct forehead lines specifically. Other cosmetic concerns effectively addressed by this treatment include the lines, wrinkles and folds around your eyes, nose and mouth. For example, crow\’s feet, also known as \”eye crinkles\”, are exacerbated due to hyperactive muscles when you laugh.

Similarly, smile lines around your mouth are triggered by hyperactive muscles around your mouth when you smile. This treatment can address all these concerns and much, much more.

Am I a Good Candidate?

To address cosmetic concerns, the best candidates for this treatment are adults under the age of 65 who are concerned about the appearance of facial lines, wrinkles or folds. These adults have not had cosmetic procedures performed on their face in the past and want a quick, effective, affordable alternative to an invasive cosmetic procedure.

How Long Do the Results Last?

The results of your initial treatment will last around four months. To maintain your excellent results, you should schedule a maintenance appointment for three months after your first treatment session. While it may sound like a hassle to come in for four treatments a year, your flawless face will thank you for the small amount of time you invest.

Even better, each treatment session only takes a few minutes. Between cleansing your face, marking the treatment area and administering injections, we can finish your treatment in just 15 to 20 minutes, depending on the number of areas you\’re trying to treat.

Is There Any Downtime?

That\’s another wonderful thing about this treatment. There is absolutely no pain, discomfort, downtime or recovery. Pop in on your lunch break and go back to work without taking a single hour of sick time.

Look Happier, Younger and More Alert Today

To learn more about all the amazing benefits of Dysport, contact the dedicated medical experts at Lux: A Medical Spa in Bluffton, SC today to schedule your initial consultation. We will help you find the most effective anti-aging treatment to address your aesthetic concerns.