Eliminate a Double Chin: How Kybella Works

Looking in the mirror should be a positive experience, no matter your age. If you\’re one of the millions of people affected by submental fat or “double chin”, you may feel discouraged and distracted by the appearance of your profile. When you\’ve tried everything to lose this stubborn fat, talk to the dedicated professionals at Lux: A Medical Spa in Bluffton, SC to discuss Kybella.

What Is Kybella?

Approved by the FDA to treat moderate to severe excess fat under the chin, Kybella is an injectable made from deoxycholic acid—the substance naturally made by the body to help absorb fats. When injected into the treatment area, it attaches to the cells and destroys them so that area can no longer store fat.

Once the fat cells are gone, they\’re gone for good. The cells are slowly destroyed, and your body eventually metabolizes and expels them.

What to Expect

Because Kybella is minimally invasive, there is no prep or downtime, and most clients resume their daily routines immediately. You may be asked to stop taking blood-thinning herbal supplements and over-the-counter medications like ibuprofen, aspirin, and naproxen for a week before treatment.

On the day of your treatment, your medical professional will apply a topical numbing agent to ensure your comfort during your 15-20-minute session. Afterward, you may be asked to limit strenuous activity and direct sunlight for a few days. Results are gradual as Kybella slowly destroys the fat cells under your chin.

Most clients will achieve the results they want in just a session or two, while some will opt for up to six treatments depending on the area to be treated. Each session will be scheduled about a month apart so your doctor can judge how the treatment is progressing.

Who Is a Good Candidate?

Only your doctor can determine if you\’re a good candidate for this treatment. Generally, healthy adults who are bothered by diet and exercise-resistant submental fat respond well to Kybella. Keep in mind this treatment is only effective and approved for the area under the chin and not on other parts of the face and body.

During your consultation, your doctor will examine your areas of concern and talk through your health history. You will partner together to decide on the best course of treatment to address your concerns and meet your realistic expectations of results.

Results can restore the profile and contour of your youth or give you the results you\’ve always wanted. Some patients want to pair this treatment with other medspa options to restore an overall vibrant and more youthful appearance. Talk to your doctor about all your areas of concern.

Call for a Consultation

Choosing the right doctor is critical to achieving the results you\’re looking for. You want someone highly trained, caring and dedicated to helping you look and feel your best. Call the medical professionals at Lux: A Medical Spa in Bluffton, SC. They are committed to the rejuvenation of your skin and body. A refreshed and more youthful-looking you is just a call away.