What Do Sciton Laser Treatments Involve?
Our staff understands just how heartbreaking it can be to look in the mirror and feel as if a stranger is staring back at you. Wrinkles, large pores, veins, and age spots often make us look much older than we really are, and very few over-the-counter products will do anything more than mask those blemishes. That is why we are proud to offer all of our local clients Sciton® laser treatments, which can quickly get rid of damaged skin cells while boosting your production of collagen and elastin. After a series of treatment sessions at our office, your age-related imperfections may fade away before your eyes.
Why Sciton®?
There are dozens of different laser treatments on the market, but very few are as effective as Sciton®. Sciton® laser treatments utilize some of the most powerful pulsed lights on the market, and the settings can easily be changed depending on the state of your skin and your cosmetic goals. Most patients see dramatic improvements within just weeks.
A Look at BBL Devices
Each BBL device is comprised of a handheld applicator attached to a small control tower. Before the device is used, a team member will first alter the settings on the tower to account for the pigmentation of your skin and what imperfections we are trying to treat. Each pulse of light lasts for a few seconds, and most of our patients feel a little bit of warmth or a mild stinging sensation.
The Results
Immediately after the appointment, there will be some redness near the treatment site. You might be a little bit tender as well, but both of those side effects should be completely gone in just days. During that time, we suggest that you stay out of direct sunlight. In time, your damaged skin is removed as the healthy, new cells are revealed.
Are Sciton® Laser Treatments Right for Me?
If you are tired of worrying about your appearance every time you leave your home, then you might be an excellent candidate for one of our Sciton® laser treatments at Lux: A Medical Spa in Bluffton. We can treat a long list of blemishes that many people struggle with as they grow older, and there is little to no downtime. By your final treatment, your skin is going to look vibrant, youthful, and healthy. Contact us today to schedule a consultation to learn more!